The Glories of Calvary - Sovereign Grace Music

The Glories of Calvary

Sovereign Grace Music



Song Introduction

《The Glories of Calvary》是由Sovereign Grace Music发布的一首赞美诗。歌曲通过深情的歌词和动人的旋律,颂扬了基督在加略山上的牺牲与救赎的荣耀。其现代敬拜风格深受许多教会和信徒的喜爱,常在崇拜活动中演唱,激励信众在信仰旅程中坚定不移,体会恩典的力量。自发布以来,这首歌成为敬拜音乐中的经典之作,广泛传播并影响了众多听众。

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Lord, You're calling me to come

And behold the wondrous cross

To explore the depths of grace

That came to me at such a cost

Where Your boundless love

Conquered my boundless sin

And mercy's arms were opened wide

My heart is filled with a thousand songs

Proclaiming the glories of Calvary

With every breath, Lord how I long

To sing of Jesus who died for me

Lord, take me deeper

Into the glories of Calvary

Sinners find eternal joy

In the triumph of Your wounds

By our Savior's crimson flow

Holy wrath has been removed

And Your saints below

Join with your saints above

Rejoicing in the Risen Lamb

My heart is filled with a thousand songs

Proclaiming the glories of Calvary

With every breath, Lord how I long

To sing of Jesus who died for me

Oh my heart is filled with a thousand songs

Proclaiming the glories of Calvary

With every breath, Lord how I long

To sing of Jesus who died for me

Lord, take me deeper

Into the glories of Calvary

For all eternity we will sing worthy

Our God has set us free

We'll sing the glories of Calvary

For all eternity (So we will sing about His love forever)

We will sing worthy (The God of heaven sent His Son to died for us)

Our God has set us free (And with the saints of all the ages)

We'll sing the glories of Calvary

For all eternity (And we will sing about His love forever)

We will sing worthy (The God of heaven sent His Son to died for us)

Our God has set us free (And with the saints of all the ages)

We'll sing the glories of Calvary

- It's already the end -