Christ Be All - Grace Worship

Christ Be All

Grace Worship



Song Introduction

**Christ Be All** **Artist:** Grace Worship **Language:** English "Christ Be All" 是由加拿大安大略省 Grace Community Church 旗下的敬拜团队 Grace Worship 创作的当代敬拜歌曲。这首歌强调耶稣基督的主权,鼓励信徒在生活的各个方面承认祂的领导与力量。凭借深情的歌词和振奋人心的旋律,"Christ Be All" 广泛应用于各地的敬拜聚会,深受众多信徒的喜爱与共鸣,成为他们信仰旅程中的重要表达。

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Oh, to be empty and lowly

Meek and unnoticed and unknown

And to God, a vessel Holy

Filled with Christ, and Christ alone

How great is God?

His grandeur endless

How frail I come before His throne

I am lost in love relentless

That Christ be all, and I his own

May Christ be all, and I be nothing

His glory shines in the vessels weak

May Christ be all, and I be nothing

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

I am poor, and I have nothing

All my deeds cannot avail

But Christ endured the Father's crushing

He bowed His head as mercy bled

Peace to prevail

He bowed His head as mercy bled

Peace to prevail

May Christ be all, and I be nothing

His glory shines in the vessels weak

May Christ be all, and I be nothing

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

Bring me low, my heart lower still

That Your grace my pride relieves

May these words resound loud until

Every tribe and tongue believes

Bring me low, my heart lower still

That Your grace my pride relieves

May these words resound loud until

Every tribe and tongue can sing

May Christ be all, and I be nothing

His glory shines in vessels weak

May Christ be all all, and I be nothing

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

This is my hope

Not I, but Christ in me

On golden shores of sure salvation

I will run to meet my King

Free from shame and all accusation

He'll give Himself

Nothing I'll bring

He'll give Himself

Nothing I'll bring

- It's already the end -