Toothpaste for breakfast and a check to see we're all alive
Maybe if I worried about the right things more, would be a better use of time
Been known to shoot the messenger before, been known to whine
I don't think that it was your fault of course but I still don't think that it was mine
So I hope you're keeping busy and you've still got time for life
I'm on this wave of destruction over here, but you know what that's like, right?
And some cunt with a blue tick said that I'd understand it when I got mine
If you believe the same thing for enough time then it starts to make sense in your mind
I saw your name in the paper, I always knew I would
I've been swiping left and right all day and I still don't feel any good
You were getting patient for a minute there, was a really good try
They say that leaving is sort of for quitters, but when we both leave it's a tie