You Have Won Me - Bethel Music

You Have Won Me

Bethel Music



Song Introduction

"You Have Won Me" 是Bethel Music的一首深情崇拜歌曲,旨在表达对神无条件爱的赞美。歌曲通过温暖的旋律和真挚的歌词,传达了信徒在生活中的依靠与力量。这首歌在教会聚会中广受欢迎,帮助许多人在祷告和敬拜中找到安慰与希望。Bethel Music以其感人肺腑的音乐风格,使这首歌曲成为现代基督教音乐中的经典之作。

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Grace youve shown me grace

Youve lifted my shame

Drawn me with loving kindness

Washed whiter than snow

You have redeemed and made me whole

Jesus you have won me You have broken every chain

With love and mercy

You have triumphed over death And you are worthy

Of glory and praise

Love youve shown me love

By leaving your throne

By bleeding and dying on a cross That wonderful cross

That took all my guilt and sin away

Shout it out and lift up one voice in worship

Sing it out until all the earth can hear it

Jesus is alive and He saves He rescues and saves


- It's already the end -