I inherited this plot of land when Mama's daddy died
This little surveyed piece of Earth
Is where I've spent my life
Rain water is to corn fields like whiskey is to men
Just have enough to keep you standing
Too much will do you in
These rain clouds settled in
One early Winter night
The grey of Winter dark is choking out all the sunlight
The little sandy river
She's drowning in her tears
And with her she'll take my good dirt
And a hundred head of steer
The rain keeps on a falling
As I cry out to my lord
Won't you spare this land I've broke my heart and backbone for
Well he don't give me an answer as the rain keeps coming down
I'll fight this flood til the bitter end
Or He washes me out
For 40 days, and 40 nights
You hear Noah built the arc
And that he rode upon the tide
Lord, I've got no boat
I've run out of time
Nothing left to live for
And the last of my kind
The rain keeps on a falling
As I cry out to my lord
Won't you spare this land I've broke my heart and backbone for
Well he don't give me an answer as the rain keeps coming down
I'll fight this flood til the bitter end
Or He washes me out
That muddy water's rising
I can barely see the fence
Lord, it rolls my way like a slow train
Loaded down with death
Son, you can have your share
If she leaves anything behind
Don't bother dragging the river, boys
This note is all you'll find
The rain keeps on a falling
As I cry out to my lord
Won't you spare this land I've broke my heart and backbone for
Well he don't give me an answer as the rain keeps coming down
I'll fight this flood til the bitter end
Or He washes me out