“When Christ Our Life Appears - Live” 是由Sovereign Grace Music演唱的一首现场歌曲。该曲旨在表达对基督再临的盼望与信仰,通过深情的歌词和动人的旋律,激励听众在信仰旅程中保持坚定。Sovereign Grace Music以其真实的敬拜体验和感人的现场录音而闻名,这首歌也延续了他们一贯的高品质制作,深受广大信徒的喜爱和支持。
When Christ our life appears, our hope will be complete
Our longings finally rest as we fall at His feet
When Jesus comes to reign, restoring everything
Our tears will turn to tides of praises to our King
We're longing for that day when we'll see
Christ, our Savior
We'll behold the glory of our King forever
Christ, our Savior
Faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears
When Christ our life appears, the curse will be undone
All wickedness will end as mercy overcomes
The Savior will renew what sin had torn apart
His light will drive the shadows from our weary hearts
We're longing for that day when we'll see
Christ, our Savior
We'll behold the glory of our King forever
Christ, our Savior
Faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears
When Christ our life appears, these trials that weighed us down
Will fade and fall away as He receives our crowns
And death will disappear, its rule and reign destroyed
Beneath the weight of glory and eternal joy
We're longing for that day when we'll see
Christ, our Savior
We'll behold the glory of our King forever
Christ, our Savior
Faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears
Christ, our Savior
We'll behold the glory of our King forever
Christ, our Savior
Faith will turn to sight when Christ our life appears