Out on the corner standin' so bold
Stood a little paperboy so hungry and cold
And as the crowd came passin' by
These words he said with tears in his eyes
"Please buy a paper from me
So I can get me somethin' to eat
My clothes are ragged, no shoes on my feet"
Said the little paperboy, there on the street
"Out in this cold wide world all alone
I have no place on this earth to call home
I haven't had the chance that other kids had
I have no mother, nor even a dad"
"So please buy a paper from me
So I can get me somethin' to eat
My clothes are ragged, no shoes on my feet"
Said the little paperboy, there on the street
Early next mornin' as the crowd passed by
The little boy was gone and they wondered why
They started searchin' and then found him dead
He died with the papers under his head
No one was there, his body to claim
There he was lying but he felt no pain
Now he has gone up to heaven, we know
The little paperboy who died in the snow
Lay here, friend