There's a mighty battle coming and it's well now on its way
It'll be fought at Armageddon, it shall be a sad, sad day
In the Book of Revelation, words in chapter 16 say
There'll be gathered there great armies for that battle on that day
All the way from the gates of Eden to the Battle of Armageddon
There's been troubles and tribulation, there'll be sorrow and despair
He has said "Be ye not troubled for these things shall come to pass"
Then your life will be eternal when you dwell with Him atlast
Turn the pages of your Bible, in St. Matthew you will see
Start with chapter 34 and read from one to 33
In our Savior's blessed words He said on earth, He prophesied
For He spoke of this great battle that is coming by and by
All the way from the gates of Eden to the Battle of Armageddon
There's been troubles and tribulation, there'll be sorrow and despair
He has said "Be ye not troubled for these things shall come to pass"
Then your life will be eternal when you dwell with Him atlast
There'll be nation against nation, there'll be war and rumor of war
There'll be great signs in Heaven, in the sun, the moon, the stars
Oh, the hearts of men shall fail them
There'll be gnashing of the teeth
Those who seek it will receive it, mercy at the Savior's feet
All the way from the gates of Eden to the Battle of Armageddon
There's been troubles and tribulation, there'll be sorrow and despair
He has said "Be ye not troubled for these things shall come to pass"
Then your life will be eternal when you dwell with Him atlast