Hiya (hiya)
I wanna take you on the morning road
I've probably been awake for seventeen hours
Feelings coming over me
I missed you these days, I missed you these days
I try to call you but you're not pickin' up
You try to call me 'cause you wanna catch up
It's like we're playing hide and seek
But I feel old today, how about you, you, you
I wanna know
Is your little one as stubborn as you are, yeah
Feeling ultra nostalgic
Do you recall how enchanting, how you see me
I missed these days, our good old ways
Hiya (ooh-ah)
Hiya, ah
Hiya, ah (ooh)
How things felt would never be forgetten
Little we know how to help ourselves
Feelings coming over me
Don't miss those days now, they're over now, yeah
We were lighthearted, carefree
Being with you was like therapy
Time may stretch, but my heart stays close to you
Time with you (Hiya, hiya)
Yeah, the time with you, oh no (Hiya, ah, hiya, ah)
I just wanna say hiya (Hiya, hiya)
Ah, ooh, ooh (Hiya, ah, hiya, ah)