Repentance - Interlude - Siedd

Repentance - Interlude




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And my brothers I remind myself and remind you all

To have fear of Allah (swt)

And really if you look at your life ask yourself

Just how much do I repent to Allah (swt)

The fear that you know that Allah (swt)

Is watching every single move I make

And then Allah the almighty

Stretches his hands during the night

So that the sinners of the day can repent

And Allah will continue to stretch his hands

During the day and the night until the sun rises from the west

Meaning the day of judgement

My brother Allah (swt) is watching every single move you make

To make tawbah towards Allah

Allah wants to hear your voice

But Allah the almighty

Who doesn't need any of us, collectively

Allah the almighty says, "oh my slave"

If you were to sin against me

Harm me, neglect me

For 10 years, 20 years, 30 years...

40 years, 50 years, 60 years...

Then one time in your life

Only once in your life you've decided

That I want to make tawbah, and you say "ya Rabb"

Allah says, "ya abdi, what do you want?'

And you say, "ya Allah forgive me"

He says, "my slave I have forgiven all your sins"

Is this not a Rabb who is worthy of worship?

Is he not worthy of being praised day and night?

In fact, Allah says

If this ummah was to stop sinning...

Allah would replace it with an ummah...

That sins and then makes Tawbah.

Is this Rabb not worthy of worship?

Allah already knows what you do in secret, in the dark...

Allah already knows it anyway

But Allah wants to hear your voice

Allah wants to see you humble yourself before him

And that's why my brother when you raise your hands

And you say, "ya Rabb"

"Oh Allah"

"Oh Allah"

"Allah, if you don't forgive me, who's going to forgive me?"

No one, except him

- It's already the end -