See mug shots every night
Same stupid look right on their face
Like no one ever told him
"Son you can't rob that bank"
Like no one ever told him
"Don't be selling crack off of main street"
And I ain't nothing like 'em
'Cause daddy's belt loops sure could sing
And I see the world so clearly now that 30 years have passed
I deserved 'bout every single whoopin' on my ass
And my ole man never beat me but that line was clear as day
Now the prison's overflowing with kids that never got spanked
I bet some California psychologist
Would tell me that I'm wrong
Then someone breaks into his house
As soon as he gets home
And the burglar's got a crowbar
Then it goes from bad to worse
Why don't you put the burglar in time out
Let me know just how that works
And I see the world so clearly now that 30 years have passed
I deserved 'bout every single whoopin' on my ass
And my ole man never beat me but that line was clear as day
Now the prison's overflowing with kids that never got spanked
Oh they never got spanked
Ain't no sense in lecturing all night there in the kitchen
That wooden spoon's still got the power if you know how to use it
And I see the world so clearly now that 30 years have passed
I deserved 'bout every single whoopin' on my ass
And my ole man never beat me but that line was clear as day
An now the prison's overflowing with kids that never got spanked
No they never got spanked