**Behold The Lamb - Acoustic** 是由知名基督教崇拜乐团 Passion 演唱的《Behold The Lamb》的原声版。这首歌曲通过简约的编曲展现了深刻的敬拜与反思,强调羔羊象征的牺牲与无尽的爱。Passion 以其感人肺腑的歌词和旋律,带领听众在宁静的氛围中体验信仰的力量和灵魂的平静。原声版本更突显了歌曲的情感深度,让人们在简约中感受到崇高的敬拜体验。
See Him there
The great I Am
A crown of thorns
Upon His head
The Father's heart
Displayed for us
Oh God, we thank You
For the cross
Lifted up
On Calvary's hill
We cursed Your name
And even still
You bore our shame
And paid the cost
Oh God, we thank You
For the cross
Behold the Lamb
The story of redemption
Written on His hands
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
We sing Your praise
Endless hallelujah to
Your holy name
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
All for us
This sacrifice
For every sin
Our saviour died
The Lord of Life
Can't be contained
Our God has risen
From the grave
Oh, our God has risen
From the grave
Behold the Lamb
The story of redemption
Written on His hands
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
We sing Your praise
Endless hallelujah to
Your holy name
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
When the age
Of death is done
We'll see Your face
Bright as the sun
We'll bow before
The King of kings
Oh God, forever we will sing
Behold the Lamb
The story of redemption
Written on His hands
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
(Oh behold)
Behold the Lamb
The story of redemption
Written on His hands
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
So we sing Your praise
Endless hallelujah to
Your holy name
Jesus, You will reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
You reign forevermore
The victory is Yours
King Jesus reigns forevermore
The victory is Yours