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So many questions but there's only one to be answered
Who are we, who are we to chase what we were after?
I thought that I knew, guess I was misconstrued
Starvation from success, I rose above the ashes
Was driving to impress to appease the greater masses
Climbing higher, only to see a crooked empire
Two roads, one together
Nothing should last forever
Creations burn in the fire
Awe-inspiring, my masterpiece
Our lives were lost to us, reduced to lines on a page
Our time, it costed us, what happened to the worlds we made?
We lost the spotlight, no more old songs in the night
You always tried so hard but you moved in a different direction
You should have pushed much harder
I mean no ill intention, climbing higher, never fulfilling my desire
Two roads, one together
Nothing should last forever
Creations burn in the fire
Awe-inspiring, my masterpiece
Two worlds, one tethered
The faithful drown together
30 years, don't you remember?
Ink unfettered, my masterpiece
Oh, friend, old friend
This is, this is the end
For us, for this
We've reminisced
But now, we're here, confused and full of fear
There must be another story
I'm sure we would all like to hear
So many questions
But there's only one to be answered
Who are we, who are we?
Who are we?
Two roads, one together
Nothing should last forever
Creations burn in the fire
Awe-inspiring, my masterpiece
Two worlds, one tethered
The faithful drown together
30 years, don't you remember?
Ink unfettered, my masterpiece
Who are we, who are we, who are we?