"His Mercy Is More (Live)" 是由当代基督音乐组合 Shane & Shane 演唱的一首感人肺腑的敬拜歌曲。作为他们现场录音作品的一部分,这首歌强调了上帝无尽的怜悯与恩典。Shane & Shane 以其和谐的声线和深情的歌词著称,带来了激励人心的表演,深受寻求灵性鼓舞的听众喜爱。《His Mercy Is More (Live)》已成为许多敬拜聚会的常用曲目,因其振奋人心的信息和优美的音乐性而备受赞誉。
Praise the Lord
His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness
New every morn'
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
What love could remember
No wrongs we have done
Omniscient, all-knowing
He counts not their sum
Thrown into a sea
Without bottom or shore
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
Praise the Lord
His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness
New every morn'
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
What patience would wait
As we constantly roam
What Father so tender
Is calling us home
He welcomes the weakest
The vilest, the poor
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
Praise the Lord
His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness
New every morn'
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
What riches of kindness
He lavished on us
His blood was the payment
His life was the cost
We stood 'neath a debt
We could never afford
And our sins they are many
His mercy is more
So much more
Praise the Lord
His mercy is more (stronger)
Stronger than darkness
New every morn'
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
Praise the Lord
His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness
New every morn'
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
Our sins they are many
His mercy is more
Oh, our sins they are many
His mercy is more