Hallelujah For The Cross - Live - Chris McClarney

Hallelujah For The Cross - Live

Chris McClarney



Song Introduction

"Hallelujah For The Cross - Live" 是当代基督教艺术家 Chris McClarney 的一首现场演绎作品。凭借其深情的敬拜歌曲,McClarney 在这首歌中生动地表达了信仰与奉献的精髓。歌曲强调了十字架在基督教神学中的重要性,通过充满力量的嗓音和动感的乐器编排,传递出激励人心的信息。乐迷们高度赞赏 McClarney 在这次现场录音中展现出的真诚与激情,使其成为他音乐作品中的珍贵之作。

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I would be hopeless

Without Your goodness

I would be desparate without Your love

Slave to the darkness

If it wasn't for the cross

You have won me with Your kindness

Chased me down when I was lost

Where would I be

If it wasn't for the cross

Hallelujah thank You Jesus

I was a prisoner now I'm not

With Your blood You

Bought my freedom

Hallelujah for the cross

All my shame was met with mercy

Now Your mercy will be my song

Oh the glory oh the power of the cross

Hallelujah thank You Jesus

I was a prisoner now I'm not

With Your blood You

Bought my freedom

Hallelujah for the cross

By Your stripes I'm healed

By Your death I live

The power of sin has overcome

It is finished it is done

By Your stripes I'm healed

By Your death I live

The power of sin has overcome

It is finished it is done

By Your stripes I'm healed

By Your death I live

The power of sin has overcome

It is finished it is done

By Your stripes I'm healed

By Your death I live

The power of sin has overcome

It is finished

Hallelujah thank You Jesus

I was a prisoner now I'm not

With Your blood You

Bought my freedom

Hallelujah for the cross

Hallelujah thank You Jesus

I was a prisoner now I'm not

With Your blood You

Bought my freedom

Hallelujah for the cross

Hallelujah thank You Jesus

I was a prisoner now I'm not

With Your blood You

Bought my freedom

Hallelujah for the cross

- It's already the end -