"You're Worthy Of My Praise - Live" 是由Passion演唱的一首充满激情的崇拜歌曲。作为全球知名的基督教事工,Passion通过这首现场录制的作品,向听众传达对神的敬拜与赞美。这首歌曲常在Passion大会和各类崇拜活动中演唱,深受信徒喜爱,激励着众多人在信仰旅程中更加坚定。其充满力量的旋律和感人的歌词,使其成为现代崇拜音乐中的经典之作。
I will give you all my worship
I will give you all my praise
You alone i long to worship
you alone are worthy of my praise
I will worship, i will worship
with all of my heart, with all of my heart
and i will praise you, i will praise you
with all of my strength, with all my strength
and i will seek you, i will seek you
all of my days, all of my days
o and i will follow, i will follow
follow all of your ways, all your ways
i will bow down, i will bow down
and hail you as king, hail you as king
o and i will serve you, i will serve you
i'll give you everything, i'll give you everything
o and i will lift up, i will lift up
my eyes to your throne, my eyes to your throne
o and i will trust you, i will trust you
o i will trust you alone, trust you alone
i will bow down, i will bow down
and hail you as king, hail you as king
and i will serve you, i will serve you
i'll give you everything, i'll give you everything
and i will lift up, i will lift up
my eyes to your throne, my eyes to your throne
o and i will trust you, i will trust you
yea i will trust you alone, trust you alone
o yea