《Jesus Over Everything - Live》由The Belonging Co演唱,是一首充满力量的现场敬拜歌曲。该曲通过充满情感的旋律和深刻的歌词,表达了对耶稣至高无上的信仰和依靠。自发布以来,这首歌在全球各地的教会和敬拜聚会中广受欢迎,成为许多信徒心灵共鸣的赞美之选。The Belonging Co以其感人肺腑的音乐和真诚的表达,赢得了广泛的认可和喜爱。
He came from glory
Took on flesh to save the lost
Grace and mercy displayed upon the cross
Our redemption, He's the hope for all mankind
One name over everything
One name over everything
Jesus over everything
He reigns forevermore
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord (yes He is)
Who can rival our resurrected King
In one moment, He brought death to its knees
All the power, oh, and authority
To one name over everything
Yes to one name over everything (c'mon)
Jesus over everything
He reigns forevermore
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus over everything
He reigns forevermore
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord
Yes, this will be our song
This will be our song
Oh, He is Lord
Over fear, over shame
Over all anxiety
Over troubles and all pain
Over sickness and disease
For He reigns on the throne
All praise to Him alone
One name over everything
Over death and all sin
Over hell, over the grave
Darkness bows, demons flee
At the mention of His name
For He reigns on the throne
All praise to Him alone
One name over everything
Oh! Jesus over everything
He reigns forevermore
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord
Oh! Jesus over everything
He reigns forevermore
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord
Our song for all eternity
Jesus Christ is Lord
Oh, Jesus Christ is Lord