"Real Thing" 是由Maverick City Music与Dante Bowe合作演唱的一首充满情感的敬拜歌曲。该曲融合了当代敬拜音乐的元素与深情的声线,传达了对真实信仰与神圣爱的渴望与赞美。Maverick City Music以其多元化的合作和真诚的歌词著称,而Dante Bowe的参与更为歌曲增添了独特的灵魂风格。自发布以来,"Real Thing" 深受听众喜爱,成为现代敬拜音乐中的一首亮点,激励着许多人在信仰旅程中寻找真实与力量。
Baby steps my child
To you it may be nothing, but you make daddy proud
Your weakness is only my strength
I here your questions
And I'm closer than you think I promise
I promise
And Oh I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
Oh I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
You've been here all this time
Tell me where have I been looking 'cause You weren't hard to find
Mercy opened my eyes
Now I'm loosing my religion to be loved like a child
I promise, i promise
Go I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
Go I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
I'm done pretending, I want the real thing
Go I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
Go I won't let go, I won't let go
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
You're the only thing that matters
I see you right where you are
I'm holding on to your heart
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me