Great White Shark - Big Thief

Great White Shark

Big Thief



Song Introduction

Big Thief的最新单曲《Great White Shark》以其迷人的旋律和深刻的歌词吸引了众多听众。这首歌延续了乐队标志性的独立民谣风格,融合了情感丰富的演唱和复杂的乐器编排。评论家们赞赏歌曲中展现出的深度与脆弱,使《Great White Shark》成为他们作品中的亮点之一。歌曲探讨了恐惧、坚韧以及人际关系的复杂性,引发了广泛共鸣,进一步巩固了Big Thief在独立音乐界的地位。

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Mercury creeping on the sea

How she wails, flails her arms and weeps

Accumulation of debris

Lips apart, flapping as a lark

For in the dark there is release

Every familiarity scares as the great white shark

Oh, to build walls with golden gills

Spike in hand, high above the sand

To kill the sanctuary

Every mile that is owned only stands still by the grace of the stone

Every familiarity scares as the great white shark

Look, daughter an owl, listen to her howl

I howled when you were born to me

And you're alive with a breath you can't see

Oh! By the grace of this dream

- It's already the end -