Lady In Blue (Pickup Live Session) - Lizzy McAlpine

Lady In Blue (Pickup Live Session)

Lizzy McAlpine



Song Introduction

Lizzy McAlpine的《Lady In Blue (Pickup Live Session)》是一场温暖而深情的现场表演,展现了她精湛的吉他技巧和动人的嗓音。在Pickup Live Sessions中,Lizzy通过这首歌传达了丰富的情感和细腻的歌词,带给听众真实而动人的音乐体验。这次现场录音不仅突显了她独特的独立民谣风格,也展示了她在舞台上的亲和力和艺术才华,是粉丝不可错过的精彩演绎。

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Lady in blue

What are you looking for?

What do you search for in these walls?

Lady in blue

Do you find comfort in

All of these souls within these walls?

Maybe you wander searching for love

And maybe you wander 'cause that's not enough

Oh, lady in blue

I wanna know you

Do you ever get lonely up there, talking to yourself

I can only imagine

Do you ever get tired of being always by yourself

I can only imagine

Imagine that

And maybe you wander searching for love

And maybe you wander 'cause that's not enough

Oh, lady in blue

I wanna know you

Lady in blue crying softly

Doesn't notice me as I walk by

Lady in blue turns a corner

And then she is gone with no goodbye

Maybe she's gone until dinnertime

Maybe she's gone for good

Maybe she won't come back until next year

Maybe the lady in the blue chiffon

Finally got what she always wanted

And maybe she'll never come back here

Oh, lady in blue just disappeared

- It's already the end -