Madame Macabre 的歌曲《I'm Sorry》以其独特的暗黑流行风格和迷人的旋律著称。这首歌探讨了悔恨与自省的主题,融合了引人入胜的歌词和富有层次感的编曲,展示了她在音乐创作中的深厚功力。《I'm Sorry》自发布以来,受到了听众和评论家的广泛好评,进一步巩固了 Madame Macabre 在另类音乐领域的地位。通过这首作品,她成功地将个人情感与广泛共鸣的主题相结合,赢得了更多粉丝的喜爱。
Home alone inside that fortress
Feeble lights toward away the darkness
Shadows dance along the hallway
Voices whisper, can you hear what they say?
Through the door you hear me breathing
Let me in you know in really starving;
For some company im lonely
Open up that door and come play with me
Claws and sparks
We'll find you in the dark
With our metal teeth gnashing
And springs and coils smashing
Dont look now dont even ask me how
What was once a friends scary
He'll stalk you now how dare he
Check the closets check the doors
Dont have a clue what he's coming for
Watch the shadows watch the bed
Dont think he'll stop untill you're dead
Use your ears; this lessons vital
Echos driven down to your survival
You may think the light will guide you;
But shine it in my face and i will bite you
Fangs and maws
We'll grasp you in our claws
With our wicked eyes burning
Our joints and gears turning
Its too late you cant out-run your fate
Friendly faces turn frightning
Your little chest starts tightning
Check the closets check the doors
Dont have a clue what hes coming for
Watch the shadows watch the bed
Dont think he'll stop untill you're dead
Oh so young why such things would happen
Innocence should not be slain
Tears remorce for what has been broken
Pull the plug this cant happen again
Oh so young why such things would happen
Innocence should not be slain
Tears remorce for what has been broken
Pull the plug this cant happen again
Check the closets check the doors
Dont have a clue what he came here for
Watched the shadows watched the bed
He should of stopped before
Forgive me
Im sorry
Im sorry