"Jesus You Alone" 是由 Highlands Worship 演唱的一首当代敬拜歌曲。该曲充满深情并充满力量,强调耶稣基督在信徒生命中的独一无二地位。通过感人的歌词和动人的旋律,歌曲邀请听众将信仰和依靠完全归于耶稣。自发布以来,"Jesus You Alone" 成为许多教会敬拜中的热门选择,激励信徒们在敬拜中更加亲近神,坚定他们的信仰。
Who is the great King of glory
Seated on high in the heavens?
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
You are the Lord God Almighty
Strong in compassion and mercy
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
I've searched the world, for a love that could fill my heart
But nothing compares to the wonder of who You are
Holy, all the earth singing
Holy, all the angels cry
Holy, Jesus, You alone
Jesus, You alone, oh
(We lift You high)
You set the stars in the heavens
You set the world into motion
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
(Yes, you did)
You breathed Your life in creation
You walked among Your created
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone (I've searched)
And I've searched the world, for a love that could fill my heart
Oh, but nothing compares to the wonder of who You are
Holy, all the earth singing
Holy, all the angels cry
Holy, Jesus, You alone (oh, worthy)
Worthy, all the creation, sings worthy
All the heavens exalt Thee
Jesus, You alone
Jesus, You alone
You shed Your blood for salvation
You broke the curse for our freedom
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
You rose from death with the morning
You'll come again in Your glory
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
Oh-oh-oh, Jesus, You alone
Holy, all the earth singing
Holy, all the angels cry
Holy, Jesus, You alone (worthy)
Worthy, all creation sings worthy
All the heavens exalt Thee
Jesus, You alone (holy)
Holy, all the earth singing
Holy, all the angels cry
Holy, Jesus, You alone
(Can we lift our voices and sing?)
Worthy, all creation sings
Worthy, all the heavens exalt Thee
Jesus, You alone
Holy, I can't help but sing
Holy, how my heart cries out
Holy, Jesus, You alone
(Sing to Jesus)
Worthy, I lift my voice and sing
Worthy, I bow my life to exalt Thee
Jesus, You alone
Jesus, You alone