"Always Together"-Single Version 是由美国R&B传奇乐团The Dells演唱的一首深情作品。The Dells以其和谐的多声部和感人的表演闻名,这首单曲延续了他们一贯的音乐风格,融合了灵魂乐与节奏蓝调的元素。虽然《Always Together》可能不像他们的经典曲目那样广为人知,但它仍然展示了乐团在情感表达和音乐编排上的精湛技巧。The Dells自成立以来一直对R&B和灵魂乐的发展产生了深远影响,赢得了众多奖项和忠实粉丝。
Just you, just me, always together
I made up my mind years ago
When I first gazed upon you I'd never let you go
And it's amazing baby
How we loved each other so
And we'll always be (always be)
Always together
We'll have our problems
But we'll face them with pride
Our love is protection
And we don't have to hide
And a thousand nights I'll kiss away
(The happy tears you cry)
And we'll always be (always be)
Always together
Just you, just me
Always, always, always,
Always, always, always,
When the years have turned
Your hair to silver
And the days of our youth
Have left us so very far behind
Golden, golden memories
Will keep in our minds
And we'll always be (always be)
Always together
Just you, just me
Always, always, always... etc.