**No Exit** is a song by the American rock band **I Hate Sex**. Known for their energetic blend of punk and alternative rock, the band delivers catchy melodies and honest lyrics in this track. "No Exit" showcases their signature sound, combining powerful vocals with dynamic instrumentation, reflecting themes of personal struggle and resilience. Fans appreciate I Hate Sex for their raw and authentic approach to music, and "No Exit" continues to solidify their presence in the rock scene.
Each grain of sand makes the loudest thud
I'm losing you faster than I thought I would
You're ice that's melted into what I can't hold
You're the change in my pocket,
Keeping me weighted, but lately you're bringing me down
I was the right size to fill a void in your
Life; you're the casket door closing on mine
I swear, I'll have the coins for charon this time
It's emptying to watch your dreams be poured into another cup
I haven't had a safe mind in a while,
You smashed my limbs together and I found out that was the easiest
Way to suicide.
When I ask you to take me back to the water, please hold me under.
Please hold me under
Please hold me under