In The Bar / Heave Away - 'Come From Away' Company

In The Bar / Heave Away

'Come From Away' Company



Song Introduction

"In The Bar / Heave Away" 是百老汇热门音乐剧《来自远方》(Come From Away)中的精彩曲目。这首歌展现了2001年9月11日事件期间,小镇居民与被困乘客之间真挚的友谊与团结。“In The Bar”部分描绘了大家在酒吧中互相支持、分享故事的温馨场景,而“Heave Away”则融入了传统海员劳动歌,象征着共同面对困难的决心与力量。由《Come From Away》剧团演绎,这首歌传达了希望与人性光辉的动人主题。

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By eight o'clock,

the bar is completely packed with people from around the world.

Everybody's talking about where they're staying and what they've seen

And the bar staff keep making runs for more beer and liquor.

After an hour, people are swimming in the river out back.

And no, no one brought their swim trunks!

A couple of the local b'ys get up with their accordions and fiddles

And someone brings out an ugly stick.

Farewell to all you pretty ladies

Waving from the dock

Heave away, me jollies, heave away

And if we do return to you

We'll make your cradles rock

Heave away, me jolly b'ys,

We're all bound away

Farewell you Newfoundlander b'ys

You're leaving us alone

Heave away, me jollies, heave away

And if you find another

We've got lovers of our own

Heave away, me jolly b'ys

We're all bound away

And then we get the karaoke going

Near... Far...

Wherever we are!

Then we decide to have a bit of a ceremony.

Let's make these people honorary Newfoundlanders

- It's already the end -