There's No Cure Like Travel / Bon Voyage - 'Anything Goes' New Broadway Cast Ensemble

There's No Cure Like Travel / Bon Voyage

'Anything Goes' New Broadway Cast Ensemble



Song Introduction

“There's No Cure Like Travel / Bon Voyage” 是百老汇经典音乐剧《Anything Goes》中的一首充满活力的合唱曲目。由“Anything Goes”新百老汇演员阵容演绎,这首歌通过欢快的旋律和动感的编舞,展现了旅行和冒险的乐趣。新演员阵容为这首经典之作注入了新鲜的能量,赢得了观众的热烈反响。自新版上演以来,这首歌因其充满活力的表演和怀旧的魅力,备受好评,吸引了众多新老观众。

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Oh there's no cure like travel

To help you unravel

The worries of living today.

When the poor brain is cracking

There's nothing like packing

A suitcase and sailing away.

Take a run 'round Vienna,

Granada, Ravenna, Sienna

And then a-'round Rome.

Have as high time, a low time,

And in no time

You'll be singing "Home, Sweet Home".

Bon voyage,

You mean "Bon Voyage".

I hate to say goodbye, sweetheart.

By the seashore,

You mean "sur la plage".

I'll wait and watch the sea

Till you come back to me,

Oh my dearie,

You mean "ma chérie",

I'm yours for life,

You mean "pour la vie",

So kiss me, pretty wench,

In English or in French.

And there's no cure like travel

To help you unravel

The worries of living today.

When the poor brain is cracking

There's nothing like packing

A suitcase and sailing away.

Take a run 'round Vienna,

Granada, Ravenna, Sienna

And then a-'round Rome.

Have as high time, a low time,

And in no time

"Home, Sweet Home".

- It's already the end -