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(Mal) Something happened, Alice, something weird and wonderful...
I hear a music I have never before
I feel the waves, though I am nowhere near the shore
In the arms of a squid, I touched my secret longing
All embraced as I faced a world both warm and new
In the arms of a squid, I lost my inhibitions
And found my love for you
And in the arms of a squid, all tentacled and squishy
Rearranged, I was changed by something sort of fishy
For at once as I hugged a thousand cups of suction,
I found my love for you
Who'd have guessed that I'd discover God
Cuddling with a two ton cephalopod?
(Alice) In the arms of a squid
(Mal) I was saved and born again
(A) She saw your soul
(M) She saw my soul
(A) She took control
(M) She took control
And finally I can stomach sushi
But my dear
(A) Oh Mal
(M) Now its clear
(A) Big Mal
(Both) My love for you is endless!
(M) In the arms
(A) In the arms
(M) Of a squid
(A) Of a squid
(M) I was dared
(A) You were dared
(M) And, I did!
(A) God, you did!
(Both) And I found my love for you!