《Just Like You - From "Hannah Montana"/Soundtrack Version》由Hannah Montana演唱,收录于同名电视剧的原声带中。这首歌曲表达了对友情和自我认同的主题,旋律动感十足,深受青少年观众喜爱。通过轻快的节奏和积极的歌词,传递出积极向上的正能量,成为Hannah Montana系列中的经典曲目之一。
(Yeah, yeah)
So what you see is only half the story
There's another side of me (yeah)
I'm the girl you know, but I'm someone else too
If you only knew
It's a crazy life (crazy life)
But I'm alright
I got everything I've always wanted
Living the dream
So, yeah, everything I've always wanted
Isn't always what it seems
I'm a lucky girl whose dreams came true
But underneath it all, I'm just like you
(Yeah, yeah)
Don't wanna be treated differently
I wanna keep it all inside
Half the time I've got my name in lights
The other half I'm by your side
It's a crazy life (crazy life)
But I'm just fine
I got everything I've always wanted
Living the dream
So, yeah, everything I've always wanted
Isn't always what it seems
I'm a lucky girl whose dreams came true
But underneath it all, I'm just like you
Yeah, yeah
Can't you see I'm just an ordinary girl?
Living in an extraordinary world
Trying to live, trying to learn
Trying to just be who I am
Who I am
I got everything I've always wanted
Living the dream (the dream)
So, yeah, everything I've always wanted (I've always wanted)
Isn't always what it seems
I'm a lucky girl whose dreams came true
But underneath it all, I'm just like you
I got everything I've always wanted
Living the dream (livin' the dream)
So, yeah, everything I've always wanted (I've always wanted)
Isn't always what it seems
I'm a lucky girl whose dreams came true
But underneath it all, I'm just like you