"Last Midnight"是由著名百老汇演员帕蒂娜·米勒(Patina Miller)演唱的一首动人歌曲。米勒以其强大的歌唱能力和深情的表演风格闻名,此曲充分展现了她的艺术才华。“Last Midnight”通过深刻的歌词和扣人心弦的旋律,探讨了时间流逝与自我反思的主题,给听众带来强烈的情感共鸣。这首歌不仅丰富了米勒的音乐作品,也进一步巩固了她在当代音乐剧界的地位。
It's the last midnight
It's the last wish
It's the last midnight
Soon it will be, boom
Told a little lie
Stole a little gold
Broke a little vow
Did you?
Had to get your Prince
Had to get your cow
Have to get your wish
Doesn't matter how
Anyway, it doesn't matter now
It's the last midnight
It's the boom
Nothing but a vast midnight
Everybody smashed flat
Nothing we can do
Not exactly true
We could always give her the boy!
No! No, of course
What really matters is the blame
Someone you can blame
Fine, if that's the thing you enjoy
Placing the blame
If that's the aim
Give me the blame
Just give me the boy
You're so nice
You're not good
You're not bad
You're just nice
I'm not good
I'm not nice
I'm just right
I'm the Witch
You're the world
I'm the hitch
I'm what no one believes
I'm the Witch
You're all liars and thieves
Like his father
Like his son will be, too
Oh, why bother?
You'll just do what you do
It's the last midnight
So goodbye all
Coming at you fast, midnight
Soon you'll see the sky fall
You want a bean?
Have another bean
Beans were made for making you rich
Plant them and the soar
Here, you want some more?
Listen to the roar
Giants by the score
Oh, well, you can blame another Witch
It's the last midnight
It's the last verse
Now, before it's past midnight
I'm leaving you my last curse
I'm leaving you alone
You can tend the garden
It's yours
Separate and alone
Everybody down on all fours
Alright, mother, when?
Lost the beans again
Punish me the way you did then!
Give me claws and a hunch
Just away from this bunch
And the gloom
And the doom
And the boom