"Not for the Life of Me" 是由知名百老汇演员萨顿·福斯特(Sutton Foster)演唱的一首动人歌曲。萨顿以其在《现代米莉》(Thoroughly Modern Millie)和《年轻的你》(Younger)等音乐剧中的出色表现而闻名。这首歌通过深情的歌词和优美的旋律,展示了她卓越的演唱技巧和情感表达能力。福斯特在演绎过程中,将个人情感与音乐完美融合,使听众能够深刻体会到歌曲所传达的情感内涵。尽管关于这首歌的具体发行和评价信息可能有限,但萨顿·福斯特的演绎无疑为其增添了独特的艺术魅力。
I studied all the pictures in magazines and books
I memorised the subway map too
It's one block north to Macy's and two to Brothers Brooks
Manhattan, I prepared for you
You certainly are different from what they have back home
Where nothing's over three stories high
And no one's in a hurry or wants to roam
But I do, though they wonder why
They said I would soon be good and lonely
They said I would sing the homesick blues
So I always have this ticket in my pocket
A ticket home in my pocket
To do with as I choose
Burn the bridge, bet the store
Baby's coming home no more
Not for the life of me
Break the lock, post my bail
Done my time, I'm out of jail
Not for the life of me
A life that's gotta be more than a one-light town
Where the light is always red
Gotta be more than an old ghost town
Where the ghost ain't even dead
Clap-a-your hands, just-a-because
Don't you know that where I am ain't where I was
Not for the life of me
Not for the life of
Not for the life of
Not for the life of me!